Tumbesian & Marañon endemics
Extension - Ultra endemics
PRICE : XXXX $US for 8 people for the main itinerary Tumbesian & Marañon endemics.
XXXX $US for 8 people for the extension Ultra endemics.
(see the price grid in our Detailed Informations page).
Tour duration : 14 days for the main itinerary Tumbesian & Marañon endemics.
4 days for the extension Ultra endemics.
Tour date : October or November 2018.
Group size : 4-10 people with a "Tour Leader".
Tour Leader : Vincent MOURET.
Arrival : Lima.
Departure : Lima.
Lodging : Hotels and lodges from "standard" category to "comfort" category. Hot water and electricity are available 24 hours a day except at the Chaparri lodge.
Pace : Moderate (a few walks in muddy and/or steep terrain, a few hours of roadside birding above 3500 m).
Possible extension : The main Tour Tumbesian & Marañon endemics could be followed by the extension Ultra endemics (TFB_PERU_003_TUMBESIAN & MARAÑON ENDEMICS).
Peru - Owlet & Barbet (TFB_PERU_002_OWLET & BARBET).
Potential number of species : 350 - 400.
Photography : Moderate opportunities.
Included : all transportation, internal flights, lodging in double rooms with private bathroom (without exceptions), all meals, multilingual tour leader, drinkable water.
Not included : International flight, travel insurance, visas, airport taxes, entrance fees for some sites, alcoholic beverages, tips, "single" occupation (for the price, please refer to the Detailed Informations page).
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If the Manu and the region of Cuzco have so far attracted the majority of travelling birdwatchers, many other regions in this vast country certainly deserve attention. Slowly, as many of the remote regions of this topographically complex country evolve a stabler social and political situation, birders from all over the world have started to explore and discover many new sites, routes uncovering many avian wonders along the way.
To pay tribute to those who brought peruvian birding to new heights in remote and difficult places, we have concocted two itineraries to the mostly mountainous northern third of the country. Because of the important number of site visited, we chose to split the northern itinerary in two distinct circuits. You will have the possibility to choose only one of them or to opt for a combo, the two itineraries following one another.
The western part of the North Loop is defined by the importance of the Marañon river and its tributaries, cutting deept through the slopes. We will travel from the arid coastal deserts to the humid slopes of the Andean cordillera. We will engage in the precipitous and gigantic canyon dug by the Rio Marañon near Balsas, where this Amazon tributary weaves between slopes covered in Cactus and Bombax. On the other side of this imposing geographical barrier, we wil explore the arid andean slopes.
We also offer you an extension in a more rustic and remote setting to try and observe two rarely seen species: the Russet-bellied Spinetail and the Purple-backed Sunbeam.
Main Itinerary - Tumbesian & Marañon endemics
Days 1-2. After your arrival in Lima international airport, the program covering the western part of the North Loop will start in the coastal town of Chiclayo, which we will reach following a short internal flight. We will explore various desertic coastal sites looking for goodies such as the Peruvian Plantcutter or the odd Rufous Flycatcher before heading east to the Chaparri lodge.
Days 3-4. The Chaparri lodge will be ideal to keep our investigation of the desertic northern coast of Peru. We will try to see the erratic Sulphur-throated Finch before rallying Bosque de Pomac.
Day 5. Our exploration of the arid coastal sites will end with our attempt at seeing the mythical White-winged Guan in the famous Quebrada Frejolillo, a few kilometers noth of Olmos.
Days 6-7. We will then drive east, passing the Abra Porculla on the way. Near Jaen, we will look for the endemics of the higher parts of the Marañon and Chinchipe drainage.
Day 8. We will keep our progression to reach the Huembo lodge near Pomacochas and one of the real highlights of the trip: the observation of one of the most fabulous hummingbird on earth, the aptly named Marvelous Spatuletail.
Days 9-10-11-12. We will start to close our loop by visiting the precipitous and narrow Utcubamba and Marañon valleys. From Leymebamba, after crossing the dark and menacing Abra Barro Negro, we will head to the Marañon and start the breathtaking ascent of this spectacular canyon up to Celendin. The arid slopes covered in cactus, Bombax and thorny bushes host a variety of localized or endemic species which we will do our very best to find: Yellow-faced Parrotlet, Peruvian Pigeon, Chestnut-backed Thornbird, Marañon Thrush, Grey-winged and Buff-bridled Inca-Finches.
Days 13-14. Our circuit will end in Cajamarca, where we will try to observe the last two endemics of this incredible itinerary: the Grey-bellied Comet and the Great Spinetail.
At the end of the main itinerary, so as to avoid an unnecessary waiting time for the extension to take place, day 14 of the Tumbesian & Marañon endemics trip actually corresponds to the day 1 of the extension Ultra endemics.
Extension - Ultra endemics
A 4 days extension is proposed to complement this program. Owing to the remoteness of the visited sites, the accomodation and transportation is more rustic.
Days 1-2. This extension will begin by a long drive from Cajamarca to the small andean village of El Molino after a short stopover in Huamachuco.
Days 3-4. We will return to the coast and the big city of Trujillo. Near the nearby village of Sinsicap, we will look the very rare and endemic Russet-bellied Spinetail.