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Many thanks to Marc Fasol for allowing us to use some of his photos to illustrate this website.
Coppery Metaltail (Métallure de Thérèse)
Cinereous Finch (Piézorhin cendré)
Cinnamon Flycatcher (Moucherolle cannelle)
Brown Violetear (Colibri de Delphine)
Glossy Flowerpiercer (Percefleur de Lafresnaye)
Grey-bellied Comet (Colibri comète)
Grey-bellied Comet (Colibri comète)
Peruvian Plantcutter (Rara du Pérou)
Brown-backed Chat Tyrant (Pitajo à dos brun)
Collared Antshrike (Batara de Bernard)
Marvelous Spatuletail (Loddigésie admirable)
Marvelous Spatuletail (Loddigésie admirable)
Marvelous Spatuletail (Loddigésie admirable)
Marvelous Spatuletail (Loddigésie admirable)
Marvelous Spatuletail (Loddigésie admirable)
Peruvian Sheartail (Colibri cora)
Masked Flowerpiercer (Percefleur masqué)
Purple-backed Sunbeam (Colibri d'Alice)
Purple-backed Sunbeam (Colibri d'Alice)
Rufous Antpitta (Grallaire rousse)
Streak-headed Woodcreeper (Grimpar de Souleyet)
Sulphur-throated Finch (Sicale de Taczanowski)
White-headed Brushfinch (Tohi à tête blanche)
Strong-billed Woodcreeper (Grimpar géant)
White-winged Guan (Pénélope à ailes blanches)
Quebrada Frejolillo
Tumbes Tyrant (Pitajo de Tumbes)
Vermillon Flycatcher (Moucherolle vermillon)
Gotas de Aguas Jaen
Koepcke's Screech Owl (Petit-duc de Koepcke)
Rainbow Starfrontlet (Inca iris)
Purple-throated Sunangel (Héliange viola)
Rainbow Starfrontlet (Inca iris)
Gray-winged Inca Finch (Chipiu d'Ortiz)
Rio Marañon Balsas
Buff-bridled Inca Finch (Chipiu à moustaches)
Rio Marañon Balsas
Black Metaltail (Métallure phébé)
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